Position and brightness decide the choices of Italians when it comes to home
The decision to buy a house is never taken lightly: embarking on this venture means investing in one’s future by choosing a property that suits individual needs and desires, navigating, along with a professional, the bureaucratic aspects that can sometimes bring serious unexpected issues.
But what makes four walls the home of one’s dreams? A well-known real estate portal conducted a study on the subject, discovering that, for Italians, the primary selection criteria are currently location and brightness.
Profile of the perfect home
Although there is a return to ancient values in some cases, with country villas and deliberately decentralized locations away from the city, nestled in natural and countryside settings, the current trend for Italians remains linked to convenience.
Examining a sample of 6,000 homeowners, it emerged that almost 50% gave high priority to the brightness of the interiors, while the slightly lower remaining percentage focused on the location, including the neighborhood and connected services, also considering the distance from the workplace. These choices may seem more calculated than “emotional,” but in the end, they seem to satisfy every aspect because, by meeting concrete needs as much as possible, they help lead a more serene life in line with one’s requirements and personality.
From these overwhelming percentages, however, it should be noted that there is still 7.5% of respondents who reported making their choices in a decidedly more emotional manner (which may seem strange, but it is mostly men), giving strong priority to the sense of belonging and not to absolute pragmatism.
Couples and families
These are not the only findings from the study. It was also found that, especially in the South, there are still those who are influenced, perhaps too much and unjustifiably, by family and external advice/judgments. Moreover, according to 10% of respondents, even when evaluations are made together, in a family or couple context, ultimately the decision of one of the two prevails, in general.
In conclusion, while it is true that the home is called upon to represent us and, therefore, to be a mirror of our personality, our own nature also plays a significant role in the purchasing context. It becomes the ground on which indecision, different ideas between spouses, or family influences may collide, not always viewed favorably by the partner.
The important thing, therefore, is to always keep one’s eyes on one’s own desires and try to fulfill them!