The project narrates the story of a prestigious residential complex that unfolds at the base of the walls of the Upper City of Bergamo From the union between the charm of a splendid starting situation and careful and balanced design…
In Alma Residence an agent is not only a good professional, but a real entrepreneur, as he carries out an activity that does not provide the certainty of a compensation unless following the closing of a contract. For this…
Living in the surroundings of Bergamo means not only being able to enjoy its wonderful hilly landscapes that, in every season, are painted with different colors but also having within reach some of the legacies of the past that make…
In the central and most prolific phase of his literary career, Gabriele D’Annunzio, known as “Il Vate,” published “Elettra” in 1903, a collection of poems previously published here and there. By this time, D’Annunzio had embraced Nietzsche’s superman philosophy. The…
The decision to buy a house is never taken lightly: embarking on this venture means investing in one’s future by choosing a property that suits individual needs and desires, navigating, along with a professional, the bureaucratic aspects that can sometimes…
– If you could go back, would you choose this professional path again, or would you discard it? – Aside from figures like Einstein, Picasso, Karajan, the “predestined,” all of us could probably do something else if we went back.…
– And how is your agency doing? – I can’t complain. Of course, it could always be better… – You’re a kind person, but, wow, you’re determined. – I wasn’t like this in the beginning, believe me. You know how…
Global house prices Our interactive guide to bricks and mortar across the world PROPERTY is as safe as houses, at least until the roof falls in. Our latest tally of global housing markets shows that American house prices have…
The real estate crisis is over, and it’s the best time for those who want to buy a house Real Estate Agency Bergamo – The real estate crisis is over, and it’s the best time for those who want to…